Kyudo New Year Shooting

On 14 January, the New Year's shooting of the Kyudo department took place. In the year of the Wooden dragon we chose Mushu and his porridge from Mulan as our target. The task was to hit a fried egg. Our makiwara shooters did really well at short range.

Our successful and justifiably proud Makiwara archers. The makiwara is a roll of rice straw, approx. 45 cm in diameter and is used for practising at short range (2m).

Group picture with guest. Nao (left) from the Ibaraki High School is living in Heidelberg for 2 months and visited us to see how the clubs in Germany Kyudo is practiced.

Neben Mushu und seinem Haferschleim hatten wir weitere Mato für Zielspiele wie Schielaugen, Pommes mit Mayo und Ketchup sowie Quadrate mit unterschiedlichen Punktzahlen. Wegen der niedrigen Temperaturen in der Halle wurden die künstlerisch gestalteten Scheiben für die 28m Distanz aber sehr ‚geschont‘.

There was great joy afterwards. Peter had baked us two chocolate cakes. To Johannes' delight, one was even vegan. Leftovers - just crumbs.