Club history

The following is a glimpse into our almost one hundred years of turbulent association history. We continue to research tirelessly and will add to what we bring to light.


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Neues Angebot: Iaido

Wir freuen uns, ab sofort auch Iaido anbieten zu können.



Auf der Jahreshauptversammlung am 21.03.2024 wurde der amtierende Vorstand entlastet und durch Wiederwahl bestätigt: Markus Krabel und Prof. Dr. Karl Kiening als Erster und Zweiter Vorsitzender sowie Mario Schreer als Geschäftsführer.


Neues Angebot: ZEN-Meditation

Der PSV startet mit seinem neuen Angebot ZEN-Meditation in unserem Dojo.


Umzug ins neue Bodo Dojo

Wir ziehen um. Nach langem Warten ist es endlich soweit. Erstes Training findet am 02.04. statt.

End of 2022

Moving in?

The budo groups will finally move into their long-awaited very own dojo in Heidelberg's Südstadt. Or will they?"


New Board elected

New board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting on 21.03.2022: Markus Krabel and Prof. Dr. Karl Kiening as First and Second Chairman and Mario Schreer as Club Manager.


The deserving board passes on its offices

After more than 20 years, the long-time chairman Dieter Schäfer and managing director Peter Metz resign from their positions and hand over their responsibility to the new management of the association. Their many years of effort to secure a permanent home for the Budo groups will soon bear fruit.


Independent Aikido group

The aikido group breaks away from the judo department and establishes its own division in the PSV.


Extraction from the dojo at TSG

After more than 40 years the Budo groups have to leave the dojo in the TSG 78 Heidelberg in Heidelberg-Neuenheim.

An own dojo in the Heidelberg Südstadt is in prospect, but until completion the groups have to be satisfied with different alternative quarters.

Vorgabe, endgültig bis Ende 2021 die Halle bei der TSG 78 zu räumen-> zeitintensive Suche nach einer neuen Halle beginnt. 

April: Ein Großteil der Karateabteilung splittet sich ab und verlässt den PSV

Mai: Information über unsere zukünftige Trainingsmöglichkeit in der Halle der F&U ab

August 2022 -> zeitintensive Suche nach Trainingsmöglichkeiten für die Zeit vom Auszug bei der TSG 78 bis zum Umzug in die neue Halle beginnt

September: Es dürfen wieder erste Trainingseinheiten stattfinden (in jedem Training wieder u.a.: Impfnachweis, Lüftung, Desinfektion, Maximalbelegung, Teilnehmerliste, kein Partnerwechsel, Mindestabstand)
Der Mitgliederbestand steigt insbesondere beim Kindertraining stark an

Ende 2021: Auszug aus unserem Dojo. Die Trainingsstätten der Budo-Abteilungen verteilen sich im Wesentlichen zur SRH Wieblingen (Ju-Jutsu, Karate), ESV Heidelberg (Karate), TSG Dossenheim (Aikido)



The volleyball group joins the PSV.


PSV Corona Chronik

Corona hat uns fest im Griff. Stark eingeschränktes Training unter ständig wechselnden Vorgaben (in jedem Training u.a.: Impfnachweis, Lüftung, Desinfektion, Maximalbelegung, Teilnehmerliste, kein Partnerwechsel, Mindestabstand).

März bis Juni: Trainingsverbot aufgrund der Corona-Verordnung, einige Trainingsangebote nur online.

Ende April: Bekanntgabe, dass das Haus des Sports nicht umgesetzt werden kann

Juli bis September: Stark eingeschränktes Training (wie zuvor, jedoch ohne Partnerkontakt)

Oktober bis August 2021: Erneutes Trainingsverbot, wieder einige Trainingsangebote online.

Trotz stark reduziertem Trainingsangebot nur sehr wenige Austritte.



Die DSGVO wird bundesweit eingeführt und hat auch Auswirkungen auf den PSV (Datenschutzbeauftragter, Fotos, Webseiten, …)

Ursula Braun übergibt den Posten des stellvertr. Abteilungsleiters an Hanns-Peter Heinrich
Letzte Kinder-Judo-Prüfung durch Ursula Braun

November: Aus Trainermangel wird das Kinder – Judo umgestellt auf Kinder – Ju-Jutsu


Escrima und Ving Tsun Kung Fu

März 2018: Neuer Trainer Armin Hug für Escrima (philippinischer Stockkampf) und Ving Tsun Kung Fu


Auflösung Tai Chi Abteilung

Zum 31.12.2017 verlässt der Tai Chi – Trainer den Verein und die Tai Chi – Abteilung wird aufgelöst

Ursula Braun übergibt den Abteilungsvorstand an Uwe Reinhard und agiert fortan als stellvertretender Abteilungsvorstand


Auf Hallensuche

Ende des Mietvertrags bei der TSG78 für 31.12.2018 verkündet, danach ggf. Verlängerung möglich.
Der PSV plant die alte Gärtnereihalle Jochum von der Stadt abzukaufen und dann einen Teil an den Sportkreis vermieten.


Tag der offenen Tür

Am 19.07.2014 fand ein Tag der offenen Tür beim PSV statt.



Foundation of the Kyūdō group, motivated by great interest after events in the framework of the "Kumamoto Week of Encounters" in 2000.


75th anniversary of PSV

At the 75th anniversary celebrations, the club presents itself as a "modern multi-discipline club with a wide range of sports for everyone".

Children's and youth programmes, violence prevention and "embedding the police in the population" form the focus of the club's work.

See the 75th anniversary brochure (German)



The Jōdō group joins the PSV


Handball on the rise

Handball celebrates a big comeback after numerous players from the HSC Heidelberg change clubs.


Ju-Jutsu und Aikido

Ju-jutsu and Aikido groups join the club.


The first attempt at moving into sports facilities and a clubhouse owned by the club itself is unsuccessful. The new building project fails due to rising costs, leaving the club weakened in terms of personnel and finances.

The successful tennis division leaves the PSV to form an independent club.


Resumption of shooting

Shooting operations were resumed at the Rod and Gun Club in Oftersheim under department head Robert Kaiser. At the same time the registration in the Badischer Schützenverband took place.


Growing association

Membership grows steadily, from 880 members (1977) to 1080 (1982). Only about a quarter of the athletes are still police officers.

In the judo department, the era of "Herbert Braun" goes down in club annals - the department has almost 400 active members and moves up to the national league.

Karate also finds more and more popularity and members.



The newly founded tennis division moves to St. Ilgen.


Judo and Karate Dojo

Judo and Karate are the only divisions to finally have a place of their own: the first dojo is built in the tennis hall of TSG 78 Heidelberg in Heidelberg-Neuenheim.

All the other groups remain scattered over a variety of sports facilities.


Target shooting

Founding of the shooting department in March 1965. The first department head was the police volunteer Lüddecke. Already after 3 years, the operation had to be discontinued again due to a loss of members.


New departments, clubhouse

The handball players play in the I. Division, the motor sportsmen organize rallies, the swimmers devote themselves to the training of lifeguards.

Different departments - in the meantime even a chess department - flourish, but do not last. Two things cause problems again and again: the lack of a clubhouse and the lack of young talent.


Motor sports

Founding of a motor sports department for motorcycles and cars.


Strong departments

Fistball dominates in terms of numbers and performance until the middle of the decade, but from 1955 the judokas take over as the strongest section.



From September 1948 to December 1968 there was a chess department in the PSV. The most successful years were between 1949 and 1951 when the team was promoted to the Bezirksklasse B.



The "veterans" of the PSV of 1923 revive their club, but with a twist: new divisions such as women's gymnastics, bowling, judo and karate open the club up to the public and to popular sport.


Pause at the beginning of the war

Sports activities are discontinued at the beginning of the war.


New establishment of departments

Numerous other divisions are founded in the first few years: handball, fistball, swimming, shooting, table tennis and ring tennis, canoeing and motor sports - even a choir! The handball and fistball players are particularly successful at this time.

There is even a singing group! Especially the handball and fistball players are successful at this time.


Table tennis

Table tennis was played in PSV from 1932 to 1936. After the war, the game was resumed in 1948. The department was one of the strongest at the time and was instrumental in the reestablishment.


Swimming and rescue

In 1924 the swimming and rescue department was founded. The swimmers of the PSV were present at all swimming festivals in the area. The concentration was in the training and promotion of lifeguards.

The concentration was in the training and promotion of lifeguards.



The police officers of the Badische Schutzmannschaften found their own police sports club. To complement official sports, they mostly practice track and field athletics.
