Der Umzug ist zwar abgeschlossen und wir sind fleissig am Trainieren, es gibt aber immer etwas zu optimieren. So haben am vergangenen Samstag bei hochsommerlichem Wetter Markus, Peter und Ulrich aus dem Requisitenständer im hinteren Tribünebereich ein begehbares Materiallager gebaut. Es gibt 5 Regalböden, einen hohen Bereich für Aikido Waffen, Kyūdō Pfeilköcher und Jōdō Stöcke. Verschliessbar ist das Bäumchen mit einer Tür mittels Codeschloss. Und das Beste … wir haben Licht.
Wie man auf den Bildern sehen kann, sind wir noch nicht ganz fertig. Es fehlt noch die obere Verkleidung. Nächstes Projekt sind die Fächer an der Treppe rechts – hier im Bild nicht zu sehen.
Long waiting has paid out. Today Aikido, Ju-Jutsu and Karate were moving to the new dojo. A final transport had to be done to move the equipment out of the temporary locations.
Mittlerweile ist neben dem Eingang ein Briefkasten angebracht, sobald er beschriftet ist haben wir unsere offizielle neue Vereinsadresse. Wie auf einem der Bilder zu sehen sind wir auch in den Eingangstüren sichtbar.
On Sunday the first Aikido practice will start in our new location. The schedule on our website will be refreshed soon.
We would like to thank the City of Heidelberg and the F&U as owner for the opportunity of a new home for our budo sports in Heidelberg. Of course thanking as well our temporary locations as there are the Ki-Aikido Dojo in Leimen, Eisenbahnsportverein and SRH Campus Sport for their flexibility. This was a great help for us being able to bridge the time over the delays of the construction measures.
On April 1st our budo groups Aikido, Karate and Ju-Jutsu will move into the new dojo. Mats and equipment need to be relocated and the temporary locations have to be cleaned.
Call for helping hands in Klubraum is created - please join and support.
Mats are grounded
Quicker than we ever thought the new mats have been relocated from the storage onto the carriers. After cleaning the floor the mats were finally laid out. Very spontaneous test in the video below.
Thanks a bunch for all supporters and especially to Sylke for the great Focaccia.
Your mats - call for support!
Here we go - the new mats will be laid in our dojo on Saturday,Mar 11 starting from 4pm! Are you planning to have fun on the mats soon? Shed buckets of sweat? You can have both on Saturday when we lay the new tatami - and who knows - maybe we will even get around to trying them out.
Sign up via the Klubraum App and come along to see and help set up our new club home. This is also a great opportunity, to meet old friends from other divisions and to make new ones into the bargain. Or to make plans for the future of the divisions and the club, remeber: the Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Mar 16th (next Thursday).
Many hands make light work - the more of us get involved, the more time we have for fun on Saturday!
Things are starting to move!
After the renovation measures on the new hall have remained at a standstill for a long time, they now seem to be entering the final round. We are confident that we will be able to move in by mid-2023 at the latest - with a bit of luck even in spring!
What happened so far...
The rooms on the ground floor - changing rooms, washrooms, lockers - are ready and waiting for us. The ceiling has been installed, the heaters and overhead lights are in place. And yes: the floor is being laid as of yesterday! According to our 2nd chairman Karl Kiening, the hall is virtually finished - with only the building approval still missing. Thank you very much, Karl, for your perseverance!
What's coming next ...
Keep up to date with the current developments via our clubroom chat app! At the annual meeting in March, the move will certainly be the most important item - until then, all groups can start thinking about when and where they can help and lend a hand.
The new tatami have already been stored in the dojo for some time, as have new push carts for the mats. Other furnishing and equipment needs will be discussed at the meeting:
Come and speak up for your group's interests!
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