Are you interested in joining us? Excellent! We are always happy to welcome new enthusiasts, and those interested are welcome to come along for a couple of free, no-strings-attached trial sessions (insurance cover is guaranteed). Membership is open to all (never mind the name of the club, which is owed to our > Club History).
Zum Online Aufnahmeformular über unsere Vereinsverwaltung.
Club fees
The annual membership fee is based on age and division. For special reductions, please contact the board or the head of your division.
Explanation | Budo* | Ballsport* | Sonstige* | |
Families | For all family members or cohabitants registered at the same address | 330,00 | 200,00 | 200,00 |
Children | Until 14 years | 120,00 | 50,00 | 40,00 |
Youths | 14 – 17 years | 150,00 | 60,00 | 50,00 |
Adults reduced | Trainees, students, pensioners, unemployed etc. without own income Proof required | 200,00 | 70,00 | 70,00 |
Adults | From the 18th birthday | 250,00 | 140,00 | 140,00 |
Temporary members | Cancellation period monthly min. 4 weeks to the end of the month (Budo only) | 25,00 / month | ||
Passive members | 50,00 | 50,00 | 50,00 | |
Registration fee | One time per person (Budo only) | 15,00 |
Budo steht als Sammler für Aikido, Judo, Judo, Iaido, Ju-Jutsu, Karate, Tai-Chi, Ving Tsun und Kyudo
Ballsport beinhaltet Handball und Volleyball
Sonstige sind Badminton, Gesundheitssport, Gymnastik, Motorsport, Sauna, Tischtennis, Schützen und ZEN Meditation
(Einige Sportarten sind derzeit passiv – unsere aktuellen sind here zu finden)
Association fees
For some Budo groups there are additional association fees, as well as a pass fee for exams or competition participation.
Explanation | |||
Judo/Karate | Member of BJV e.V. / Member of DKV | jährlich | 20,00 |
Ju-Jutsu | Member of the Ju-Jutsu Verband Baden e.V. | jährlich | 20,00 |
Kyudo | Mitglied im Deutschen Kyudobund. | jährlich | 48,00 |
Passport fee | Prerequisite for examination and competition participation Please submit a photo(3,5cm x 4,5cm) | one time | 10,00 |
Payment options
- All contributions are generally collected by direct debit. The PSV Heidelberg e.V. uses the creditor identification number DE88ZZ00000798344.
Due date
- Jahresbeiträge (Handball, bzw. Passive Mitgliedschaft) werden zum 15.4. des Jahres eingezogen.
- Der Halbjahresbeitrag (Budo) ist am 15.4. (für das 1. Halbjahr) und am 15.10. (für das 2. Halbjahr) des Jahres fällig. Bei Eintritten innerhalb des Jahres werden der Beitrag und die Verbandsabgaben anteilig abgebucht.
- Reductions will only be granted if proof is sent at least 4 weeks before the move-in date.
- Temporary membership fees are collected on a monthly basis.
- A fee may be charged for each reminder. Anyone who is in arrears with the payment of the fee despite two reminders can be deleted from the list of members in accordance with § 5 of our Articles of Association and is then no longer entitled to take part in the sporting activities.
Admission to and withdrawal from the club
- The Board of Directors decides on the admission of the member to the PSV Heidelberg e.V. The application for admission is considered accepted if the member is not notified in writing of the rejection within one month.
- Austritte aus dem Polizeisportverein Heidelberg e.V. sind nur mit einer dreimonatigen Kündigungsfrist zum Halbjahresende. Über einen vorzeitigen Austritt in Ausnahmefällen entscheidet ausschließlich der geschäftsführende Vorstand in Absprache mit dem jeweiligen Abteilungsleiter / der Abteilungsleiterin.
Bei Rückfragen kannst Du Dich gerne bei uns melden.
Mario Schreer
Club Manager:
+49 151 – 67 83 47 13