• Aikido - "Der Weg der Harmonie und Kraft"

Aikido – „Der Weg der Harmonie und Kraft“

„Jeder besitzt einen Geist, der geschärft werden kann, einen Körper, der in irgendeiner Weise trainiert werden kann, einen Pfad, dem er folgt.“

Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969)

Harmonisation over contention

Aikido is one of the lesser-known styles that come under the umbrella term of martial arts. Although its origins lie in sword fighting and self-defence, it is not an aggressive sport, quite the opposite. The intention is always to avert an attack with the least possible harm to both sides.

One logical consequence of this is that Aikidoka do not compete in tournaments – after all "True victory is victory over oneself“. Basic and more exacting techniques are perfected over years of training. What Aikido is not: neither a quick self-defence course – nor acrobatic kung-fu training - nor pure meditation.

Experience self-awareness and community

Every practitioner of Aikido is both teacher and student. There are regular introductory courses for beginners, but more usually, all members of the dojo train together. Aikido thrives on the close dojo communities, the cooperative training model and the ethical claim that is contained in the name itself: the search for "the way of the harmonious spirit".

Is this even a martial art? Maybe more of an art of peace: the basic idea of Aikido is to merge with the attacker, to redirect the momentum of the attack and to neutralise "Uke", the attacking partner, by deflecting the attack and by taking them off-balance. The aim is not to meet an attack with force, but to divert it as gently as possible for both parties.

Is Aikido for you? Virtually anyone can practice Aikido to their advantage. The members of our dojo range from 12 to over 60 in age – some have been at it for 3 months, others for 40 years. Even as an adult, you can always join or rejoin. The learning speed is individual and there is no pressure to succeed. The biggest attainment, anyway, is the pleasant sensation on the way home - somewhere between exhaustion and gleeful anticipation of the next training session.

Monday19:00 – 20:30Adults
Tuesday18:30 – 20:00Adults
Thursday18:30 – 19:00Erwachsene Waffentraining
Thursday19:00 – 20:30Erwachsene Fortgeschrittenentraining
Erwachsene Schnupperkurs/Anfänger*innentraining
Sunday08:00 – 10:00Erwachsene Fortgeschrittenentraining (Fokustraining)
Ab 5. Kyu Prüfungsvorbereitungstraining

Georg Umlauf
Shinki Rengo Aikido Dojo-Cho

5. Dan Aikido
Jun-Dairi-Kyoju 4. Dan Daitoryu

I came to Aikido through the wider world of sports. When I was young, I was interested in all kinds of sports, including martial arts. I made my debut in Karate before I discovered Aikido. Faced with the choice of continuing one or the other, I decided on Aikido. I was fascinated by the idea of sparing the integrity of the opponent even in the most violent confrontation. And I liked, and still like, the soft, flowing movements.

Over the years, I had to give up many a sport, but I continue to practise Aikido: as a challenge and a goal for myself to progress further, for the joy of movement, together with like-minded people. And to teach this way: to end conflicts in the most considerate way possible.

Rick Soriano
6. Dan Aikido
4. Dan Daitoryu

Ich mache Aikido, weil es für mich wie Meditation in Bewegung ist und mir hilft, mich nur auf den Moment zu konzentrieren.

Über die Jahre hat es mir geholfen, besser mit dem Stress des Alltags umzugehen.

Ich merke, dass ich beim Aikido mehr lächle als zu irgendeinem anderen Zeitpunkt am Tag.

Markus Krabel
1. Vorstand

5. Dan Aikido
3. Dan Daitoryu

I began practising Aikido as a lively youngster because I was fascinated by its dynamic athleticism and simple beauty of form.

Das intensive und ganzheitliche Training hat meine persönliche Entwicklung auch außerhalb des Trainings immer positiv begleitet – fördern und fordern ist dabei ein Kernelement, das ich im Aikido erfahren durfte. Die tolle Gemeinschaft in jeder Aikido-Gruppe, bei der ich seither trainiert habe, und insbesondere die verschiedenen Trainer haben mir immer wieder neue Perspektiven im Aikido und darüber hinaus eröffnet. Das macht Aikido für mich bis heute zum unverzichtbaren ‚Lifestyle‘.

Alejandro Gvirtz
3. Dan Aikido
3. Kyu Daitoryu

Als ich vor vielen Jahren mit Aikido anfing, war ich sehr schnell begeistert, sowohl von den Bewegungen als auch von den geistigen Aspekten dieser (Kampf-)Kunst. 

Im Training lernen wir, uns “harmonisch” zu bewegen, sodass Konflikten vermieden bzw. entschärft werden können. Konflikten mit uns selbst und mit unserem Gegenüber. Respekt für den Partner gehört immer dazu. 

Dabei hört man nie auf, Neues zu lernen und viel Spaß an der Bewegung zu haben. Egal ob neue oder bekannte Techniken: es gibt immer neuen Blickwinkel in den Techniken.  

Es ist für mich einen Weg der Harmonie, sowohl physisch als auch spirituell. Man versucht diese Harmonie auch im tagtäglichen Leben zu suchen, zu leben und zu erleben: Auseinandersetzungen zu vermeiden, für Neues offen zu sein und Freude an das miteinander zu finden. 

Deswegen ist Aikido seit mehreren Jahrzehnten Teil meines Lebens. 

Karl Kiening

2. Vorstand

Sansuikai Deutschland Dojo-Cho

2. Dan Aikido
5. Kyu Daitoryu

Als ich kurz nach meinem 51. Geburtstag den Wiedereinstieg in die sportliche Betätigung suchte, begegnete mir rein zufällig Aikido. Ohne Vorkenntnisse in anderen Kampfsportarten gemacht zu haben, war ich vom ersten Moment begeistert, denn das, was ich im Training erlebte, war so ganz anders als das, was ich bisher im Sport erfahren hatte: Aikido zeigte mir, von der ersten Trainingseinheit an, wie Körper und Geist integrieren, wie man „vollständig“ werden kann. Bis heute hat sich das nicht geändert, sondern ist weiter gereift. Aikido ist einfach „meins“ geworden und, als ist ein wesentlicher Teil meines Lebens, nicht mehr wegzudenken.

Claus Neuwirth
1. Dan Aikido
4. Kyu Daitoryu

Claus ist der stellvertretende Trainer für Anfänger. Seine große Erfahrung im Aikido hilft Anfängern, Hindernisse zu überwinden und ein tieferes Verständnis für die Aikido-Techniken zu entwickeln, die sie kennen müssen, um ein festes und stabiles Fundament für ihren Fortschritt in der japanischen Kunst des Aikido zu schaffen. Seine ruhige Art und sein Wunsch, anderen zu helfen, sind wichtig für die Entwicklung unserer Anfänger und die Zukunft unseres Aikido-Programms.

Johannes Büge
1. Dan Aikido

Meine Begeisterung für Kampfkünste habe ich als Jugendlicher bei Karate entdeckt. Mit dem Wohnortwechsel wollte ich eine neue Sportart beginnen und entschied mich für Aikido – ich dachte, es soll etwas ganz anderes sein. Schnell habe ich aber bemerkt, dass sich Karate und Aikido nicht widersprechen, sondern hervorragend ergänzen. In meinem Training versuche ich, ein dynamisches Aikido zu unterrichten und Vorteile aus Karate und Kobudo einfließen zu lassen. Eine besondere Leidenschaft von mir ist das Training mit Jo (Stock) und Bokken (Schwert).



Auditorium der 
Elsa-Brandström-Straße 8
69126 Heidelberg

Aikido is one of the youngest Japanese martial arts and a non-violent Budo discipline that is based on very efficient defence techniques - a martial art that can both protect the defender and preserve the integrity of the attacker.

Aikido is non-aggressive, technically demanding and promotes and challenges the whole person. There are neither competitions nor medals to be won. Despite this and maybe for this very reason, more and more people are fascinated by this martial art, irrespective of age and physical constitution - women and men alike.

Morihei Ueshiba

The founder of Aikido: O-Sensei (Grandmaster) Morihei Ueshiba was born on 14 December 1883 in Tanabe. He began training as early as 1893. He mainly practised the use of spear and sword, later he added different Ju-Jutsu styles.

The most important event was his meeting with the legendary master of Daito-Ryu, Sogaku Takeda, in 1911, from whom he later received the Menkyo-Kaiden (teaching authority) of Daito-Ryu.

Around 1919, O-Sensei met the monk Deguchi Onisaburo. The confrontation with his teachings and his own personal development made Ueshiba question the principles of his previously practiced martial art.

As a soldier in the Russian-Japanese war, he had experienced death and destruction at a young age and recognized the futility of warlike action. His friendship with the monk and his spiritual teachings eventually led to the break with his former teacher of Daito Ryu Sogaku Tekeda in 1922.

In den folgenden Jahren entwickelte und perfektionierte Ueshiba „seine“ Kampfkunst weiter bis zu der uns heute bekannten Form.

From 1942, Ueshiba finally called his art Aikido. Master Ueshiba died on April 26, 1969 in Ayabe, Japan at the age of 85.

The basic idea of Aikido techniques is to evade the more linear force of an attack and to redirect the attacker's momentum into a circular movement. In this way, the attacker is brought off balance and can then be forced to the ground and held there

Aikido Kaligraphie

AI (harmony) == means to connect, unite, adapt.

Harmony means that the force of the opponent is not met head-on. Instead, it is evaded and the movement of the attacker is continued together.

KI (force) == translates to spirit, energy and morale.

Ki is not force in the usual sense of physical power, but in the shape of mental composure, willpower and mindfulness. It gives the ability to anticipate the adversary's momentum and to then evade and deflect it.

Do (way) == means way or path.

On the one hand, it takes time for the various movements to become second nature. On the other hand, the constant work on your own posture and movements, the mindful defence against an attack from your own centre can lead to increased equanimity in everyday life.

"Dô" therefore also means a path toward yourself, toward your own centre. This path never ends.

For the first trainings only simple sportswear is needed: Long training trousers and preferably a long-sleeved T-shirt. In addition, a pair of flip-flops for the way from the changing room to the dojo (training hall) is important. As a rule, training is conducted barefoot. Before training, the feet can (should) be washed in the changing rooms.

After getting properly started, a Budo-Gi is then the appropriate clothing, it consists of a jacket, trousers as well as a cloth belt. For advanced aikidoka, a hakama, a black/dark blue traditional Japanese trouser skirt, can also be worn.

While in other clubs/associations this is only customary after acquiring the rank of first dan, in our club the instructor can allow or recommend the wearing of the hakama already after the first examination.

Hint: As a rule, a conventional Judo suit is suitable for Aikido. These are available from € 30 in sports / budo shops or on the internet.

There are a number of different Aikido associations and organisations in Germany. Aikidoka from each of these different groups are equally welcome in our dojo.

Our instructors come from various traditions and conduct their classes accordingly. We feel enriched by this variety of approaches.

 Aikido Shinki Rengo

Aikido Shinki Rengo
Due to the affiliation of our active Aikidoka, there is a clear focus on Aikido Shinki Rengo which is led by Michael Daishiro Nakajima (7th Dan, Shihan - Aikikai Hombu Dojo, 9th Dan, Shihan - Daitoryu Aiki Jujutsu Bokuyokan).

The majority of our currently active aikidokas are his disciples and take their exams through his association. This is affiliated to the Aikikai - Aikido World Headquarters.

Aikido Sansukai

Aikido Sansuikai
Some of our Aikidokas are also members of the Sansukai Association. Sansuikai International was founded by Yoshimitsu Yamada (8. Dan Shihan). All members are under Aikikai Hombu through Yamada Sensei and affiliated to the United States Aikido Federation. Sansuikai members take their Dan tests at Yamada Semsei's seminars.

This is a dojo where we study the art of Aikido as a spiritual path for growth and development through practice and experience. The dojo is more than just a gym or health club; it is a community of like-minded individuals and the repository of many years of teaching and learning.

Aikido is more than just a physical form of self-defense. It is a way for physical, mental and spiritual advancement and the greatest understanding is gained when each action is done with mind, body and spirit acting in harmony. We treat each other with respect and courtesy to create harmony within ourselves and with our partners. Following proper etiquette is therefore an important part of the practice of Aikido.

To benefit and enjoy training in Aikido, to create an atmosphere of mutual respect, and for reasons of safety, there are certain rules of etiquette.

  • Study carefully, honestly and humbly. Respect your instructor and your seniors. Take care of and assist your juniors.
  • Emphasize etiquette in both yourself and those with whom you practice.
  • The class is started and finished with a formal bow towards O-Sensei and the instructor.
  • If you are late for class, bow in alone, after the instructor gives you permission to enter the tatami.
  • Practice in a safe manner and respect the level of experience of your training partner.
  • For personal safety and to protect others, remove jewelry and piercings before training.
  • Observe personal hygiene before you step on the mat and practice with a clean Gi.
  • If you are cut, leave the mat and dress your wound before resuming training.
  • Class is a time and space reserved for practicing Aikido.

In addition, anyone practicing in the dojo has to adhere to the following rules:

  • Observe regulations that relate to the use of the dojo, such as legal regulations or the rules of our landlord.
  • Do not be uncooperative with your partner.
  • Students thought to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted in the dojo.
  • The use of bad language is not permitted in the dojo.
  • Harassment, bullying or aggressive behaviour are not tolerated.
  • Do not to use Aikido techniques unethically and or illegally inside or outside the dojo.
  • Do not to bring our dojo into disrepute through your words or actions.

If you fail to adhere to these basic rules repeatedly, we may ask you to leave class or the dojo.

Hier könnt ihr über unseren Teamshop Bekleidung und Accessoires mit dem eigenen Aikido Logo bestellen. Der Shop ist extern, der PSV koordiniert die angebotenen Artikel. Vertragspartner ist der Shop.

Bekleidung ist bis auf Kapuzenjacken in schwarz oder weiß bestellbar.

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