• Foto: Christian Schmidt

Ju-Jutsu – "The modern, versatile self-defence system"

German Ju-Jutsu is a modern, versatile self-defence system both for real-life situations and as a classical martial art. 

Ju-Jutsu is mainly based on self-defence techniques. Each defence technique can be used against several types of attack.

The techniques can also be combined and used in real self-defence against an attack.

Even a small range of defence techniques can be used for effective self-defense from the outset thanks to the flexibility of their application. 

Ju-Jutsu is a style that is suitable for everyone, whether small or large, young or old.

Everyone can specialise in those techniques most suitable for them.

!!! Diese Zeile nicht ändern oder löschen – wird für das Untermenü benötigt !!!

Monday18:30 – 20:00Beginners, white and yellow belt
Monday20:00 – 21:30Fighting
Tuesday20:00 – 21:30Advanced practitioners
Wednesday20:00 – 21:30Advanced practitioners
Friday20:00 – 21:30Advanced practitioners
Monday17:30 – 19:0014 – 16 Jahre
Wednesday17:00 – 18:0010 – 14 Jahre
Wednesday17:30 – 18:306 – 10 Jahre
There is no children's and youth training during the school holidays.
Während der Schulferien findet kein Kinder und -Jugendtraining statt.
Fastnachtszeit12. Februar 2024 – 18. Februar 2024
Osterferien12. Februar 2024 – 18. Februar 2024
Pfingstferien23. März 2024 – 05. April 2024
Sommerferien25. Juli 2024 – 07. September 2024
Herbstferien28. Oktober 2024 – 31. Oktober 2024
Weihnachtsferien23. Dezember 2024 – 04. Januar 2025
Ju-Jutsu Trainer Sebastian Ehrhard

Sebastian Ehrhard
4. Dan Ju-Jutsu

Sebastian trains the Ju-Jutsu youth on Wednesdays 17:30.

There he tries to offer the children and young people a balanced mixture of fun, technique and Randories around the Ju-Jutsu and Judo, in order to lay them a solid foundation in the combat sport on which they can build later depending upon desire.

In the adult training he is on Wednesdays, 19:30 clock in use. The unit addresses mainly advanced Ju-Jutsuka with content from the Dan program, complex Judo throws or sometimes drills from the self-defense area, which he absorbs on his seminar visits to the AG-SV or the streetcombativ.

4. Dan Ju-Jutsu,
1.Kyu Judo,
Phase 2 Kali Sikaran
3.Kyu Kickboxen.

Trainer C- Ju-Jutsu
Trainer B-Ju-Jutsu
Kursleiter Lizenz für Nicht-mit-Mir
Kursleiter Lizenz Frauenselbstverteidigung
Basic Licence Selfdefence des DJJV

Ju-Jutsu Trainer Uwe Reinhard

Uwe Reinhard

Uwe ist Abteilungsleiter von Ju-Jutsu und Judo im PSV Heidelberg.

As an experienced Ju-Jutsu trainer and examiner, Uwe is in action on Tuesdays from 8 pm, as well as in our youth training. In his function as head of department, he is also the direct contact person for all questions about training, examination, membership and actions.

Ju-Jutsu Trainer Felix

2. Dan Ju-Jutsu

Felix has the 2nd Dan in Ju-Jutsu and is responsible for the training on Fridays, for which he has successfully completed a training as a sports assistant.

He teaches techniques suitable for beginners, as well as the basics of weapon defense. Since Felix also has a valid examiner license, not-with-me and women's SV course instructor license, he is available both as a course instructor for children's and women's SV courses, as well as a trainer in exam preparation. Finally, he is responsible for the homepage and press relations.

1. Dan Ju-Jutsu

Richard is a holder of the 1st Dan in Ju-Jutsu. He comes from Württemberg and was a student of Stefan Stöhr.
In addition to Ju-Jutsu, he also trained Doce Pares Eskrima.

Richard was an active fighter in Ju-Jutsu Fighting and has successes there in numerous state championships up to the German championships.
As a coach in the adult division, he fires up the training session on Mondays at 8 p.m., offering application-oriented training with lots of randories and endurance training.
In the youth area, he is responsible for the Monday unit with the advanced children and youth.
Since March 2022, he has been the elected youth director of the Ju-Jutsu department and coordinates the emerging youth work in the club.

Ju-Jutsu Trainer Rigobert Erbel

Rigobert Erbel

Rigobert is a very experienced Ju-Jutsu trainer and is responsible for the beginner and novice training with us.

Every Monday from 18:30 Rigobert teaches with great commitment movement theory and basic techniques of Ju-Jutsu.

Ju-Jutsu Trainerin Nina


Nina works in the Ju-Jutsu department as an assistant or temporary trainer. When needed, Nina helps and supports our training sessions as an assistant trainer, where her training focus is Taekwondo.

In addition, Nina holds both a valid not-with-me instructor license for our children's classes, as well as an instructor license for the women's SV classes.


Uwe Reinhard
Telefon-Nummer +49 6203 – 95 88 83 6


Auditorium der 
Elsa-Brandström-Straße 8
69126 Heidelberg

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