Starting 15 June 2023: Aikido basics, (not only) for beginners.

Would you like to try out Aikido and see if it's for you? But you hesitate to join the regular group? Then we have something for you: starting 15.6.23, our experienced instructors Rick und Markus will offer a training session for beginners, those who last practiced Aikido 20-odd years agon or those who are just curious (or anyone who realizes they need towork on their basics again).

When and where? Thurs, 19:00 - 20:30 in the new dojo in MTV

Parallel to the general training, the two will give you a first impression of what Aikido is all about: this includes the correct rolling and falling (don't worry, we start very close to the ground!), the interaction with the practice partner and basic movements.

What? The gentle martial art of Aikido

Actually, the principle is quite simple: the energy provided by the "attacking" partner is redirected, the "attacker" is brought off balance and to the ground. Why in inverted commas? Unlike other Budo sports, Aikido is not about winning and losing. "Uke" - the Japanese term - is actually the "receiver" of the technique that "Nage", the active part in the exercise, is performing. These techniques are practised and executed respectfully and carefully, thus nobody gets hurt.

For whom? Everyone who wants to know more!

Aikido is suitable for all ages and sizes, all genders and, in the broadest sense, all interested. Usually there is no separation of beginner and advanced training, because we all have alot to learn - from the experienced aikidoka as well as from the inexperienced ones. The beginners' training takes place in the same location as the regular training, so you can get to know the others. After a few weeks, you will simply switch to the other side of the gym, all worries laid aside. We look forward to welcoming you!